Cosmetic Case Completed

Check out our latest cosmetic case! Nice case of no incisor display at rest. We should at least see1-2mm of the central incisors at rest or you look toothless!

Repose photos are a critical diagnostic tool when doing cosmetic dentistry. It allows you to see if the teeth need to be lengthened or not and about how much.

The final factor to look at relative to length is how the lower lip frames the smile. Our gum tissue also needs to be evaluated as to how well it frames the teeth. So our gums frame the teeth and the lips frame the smile!

All this information is shared with our ceramist, changes are made to the patients models in the laboratory, stints are fabricated from the design so that when we do the case we make temporary veneers that look like our master design. This allows the patient to test drive the changes and we typically regroup with the entire team to evaluate the new smile after one week.

If any changes are needed we make them in the temps so that when we put the finals in we know exactly what were are getting. No surprises just smiles!

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Contact Us

Dr Ueckert Dentistry
7030 Village Center Drive
Austin, TX 78731

Telephone: 1 (512) 345-3166


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